Disig, a.s. has been operating in the information technology market since 2006. During its activity, it has become a leader in providing trustworthy and qualified trustworthy services that are regulated at European level by the "Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 (eIDAS)" in wording of the Regulation (EU) 2024/1183 of the uropean Parliament and of the Council of 11 April 2024 amending Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 as regards establishing the European Digital Identity Framework and at national level by "Act No. 272/2016 Coll. on Trust Services".
Disig is the provider of the following qualified trust services:
- the creation and verification of certificates for electronic signature,
- the creation and verification of certificates for electronic seals,
- the creation and verification of certificates for website autentification,
- the creationm and verificationof electronic time stamps,
- the validation of electronic signatures,
- the validation of electronic seals,
- the preservation of electronic signatures,
- the preservation of electronic seals.
A list of qualified trust services can also be found in Trusted List Browser provided by the European Commission.
Disig operates:
- the largest Slovak certification authority CA Disig,
- SVK eID ACA, SVK eID PCA and SVK eID SCA certification authorities for the purpose of issuing certificates and qualified certificates to national eID cards,
- Root and Subordinate Certification Authorities Included in Trusted Root Certification Authorities from Microsoft, Mozilla, Google, Apple
Disig is a member of CA/Browser Forum for standardizing requirements for issuing publicly trusted TLS / SSL certificates.