Certificate request generation
On this page you can generate a certificate request. CA Disig certification authority will use this request to issue the certificate for you. Cryptographic keys and certificate request will be generated and stored solely in your browser. These keys can be used to create electronic signature or seal up to an advanced level.
Important note: This request generation is not intended for applicants who are interested in issuing a qualified certificate for electronic signature, which can be used to create a qualified electronic signature for communication needs, e.g. with the Financial Administration, the Commercial Register and for signing on the slovensko.sk website.
If you are interested in obtaining a qualified certificate for electronic signature, follow the instructions given here QC for electronic signature..
Password requirements
You will be required to provide at least 12 characters long password before generating a certificate request. This password will be used to protect the generated private key. You will have to enter the same password later during the certificate installation (possibly several days later) and also during the import of the certificate into target applications. Therefore it is absolutely crucial for you to safely store this password.
Important note: We will not be able to help you if you forget of loose this password. You will have to repeat the whole process of certificate request generation and new certificate issuance. Issuance of new certificate may be charged in accordance with the valid price list.
Browser requirements
Certificate request generation and installation of issued certificate has to be performed on the same computer, under the same user account and in the same browser.
The browser must not operate in private / incognito mode. Your browser's cookies and cached website information must remain intact until the certificate is issued and successfully installed.
It is strongly encouraged to use the latest available version of the browser.
Important note: We will not be able to help you if your browser is operating in private/incognito mode or if cookies or website information in browser cache get cleaned up. You will have to repeat the whole process of certificate request generation and new certificate issuance. Issuance of new certificate may be charged in accordance with the valid price list.
I confirm that I have read and understood the password and browser requirements.